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Focus Areas
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Our Issues

The OMI Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) initiative works to promote human dignity and respect for God’s creation through our advocacy with government institutions, promoting Faith Consistent Investing, engaging with corporationseducational outreach, and collaboration with partners at local, regional and international levels.

Human Dignity

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the dignity of the human person is rooted in his or her creation in the image and likeness of God. Our advocacy for an ethic of Consistent Life, Social and Economic Justice, and the Integrity of Creation flow from this understanding.

Oblate Outreach & Animation

As part of our outreach and animation program we give presentations and conduct workshops at a variety of centers, oblate formation houses, and parishes and congregations. We will continue to build our digital presence through our website and by expanding our social media presence. Each of these vehicles is an opportunity for us to more effectively and frequently reach out to our many communities of collaborators and friends.

Integrity of Creation

Protecting the earth’s bounty and encouraging good stewardship of our environment or as Pope Francis calls us to “CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME” is an important part of our JPIC ministry. We are working to ‘green’ the Oblate congregation, help people in the pews protect the environment, protect endangered ecosystems, fight climate change, protect our planet’s precious supply of water, keep extractive industries in balance, and share information about ecological efforts and issues in other parts of the OMI world.

Faith Consistent Investing

Aligning the management of one’s assets whether they are liquid or fixed has become a new missionary horizon for believers and faith based institutions. Investing according to one’s faith to confront social injustice, promote peace, justice, equality, and a healthy global environment is a powerful way to incarnate the Gospel and the Oblate Charism in the world today. We work toward more a more just and sustainable marketplace through our faith consistent investing that is closely aligned with Catholic Social Teaching and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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